• Hello Eco Business Opportunity


    The Hello Eco Business opportunity package:

    1. Professional Certificate as a Sustainability Consultant (provided by 3rd party, national training organization)
    2. Training program – complete training to launch and on-going
    3. Access to all consulting materials, forms, etc.
    4. Owner access to sell all Hello Eco products and services
    5. Owner Marketing Package (brochures, Hello Eco e-mail account, business cards, & Hello Eco Apparel)
    6. Customized local web page with owner information and business contact info
    7. Full e-commerce package that allows all orders to be managed by you.
    8. Technology package for your e-store, e-mail, crm, and future updates ($150 per month tech fee)
    9. Access to all new Hello Eco products
    10. Corporate support for technology, business, and products.

  • Hello Eco Green Guidance: Business Certification


    Hello Eco manages an industry leading green certification program for business clients. This program involves 4 phases; assessment, green improvement, implementation, and management. After the implementation phase, each business is recognized as a green certified business. In addition, we utilize a cost reduction strategy that guarantees an annual cost reduction of at least twice the cost of the certification program or the certification is provided at no cost.

    To begin your process, book your appointment below and you will be contacted by a locally based Hello Eco business consultant.